Saturday, October 6, 2007

Growing Up: Dressing

Future Husband never misses an opportunity to point out that my style is somewhat lacking in professionalism.

I do work in an office. I'm a buyer and the dress code is pretty much:

Don't wear t-shirts.
Don't wear flip-flops.

I'm consistently surprised when someone comes in with shiny shoes or a button up shirt and they're even more surprised when I dress in something other than Birks and a hoodie.

In particular, I have a weakness for bags. Purses. Messenger bags. Hobo bags. I love them all. And I can't stop.

But when we went to a friend's going away party - filled with engineers and like professionals - although I looked good in a sleek black top and cutsy flats, I was stuck with a purse that did.not.match.

It's a tan corduroy hobo bag with a small fabric flower on the bottom corner.

Not exactly fit for a night out.

So I went on the hunt for something more professional.

And the bags
!Oh! The bags!
So many bags! So little time!
(so little money)

We hunted around Target and a few other places.

I had an idea on what I wanted, but was having a hard time finding The One.

This one was too tall.

Too short.
Too small.
Too fat.

I ended up with something like this:

And so now I'm on the hunt for a wallet. Because the simple tri-fold made of brown corduroy just doesn't work.

Any ideas?

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